Promoting EAP
Promoting EAP To Your Employees
Take-up on the service can be improved by ensuring line managers are informed about the benefit and are willing to promote it. They can cascade the information to their teams, the EAP also helps managers to be supportive and able provide a source of assistance, whilst increasing productivity and morale among employees. Educating managers with the benefits the EAP can assist in their day to day role.
Promoting EAP at regular intervals
Regularly communicating the EAP can assist employers to gain a good return on their investment. The EAP can remain high profile with regular communications. Many EAP suppliers will provide monthly newsletters via email which can be sent to employees or added to the company intranet. Posters often work well on the back of bathroom doors, a small table with a few posters and leaflets in an employee rest area reminds the employees that the service is there for them. An awareness day can also rovide an opportunity for a re-launch which will increase understanding and renew visibility of the service. Communication can also help employers to shrug off the stigma attached to seeking help. Promoting the practical information and sign-posting services available will help to achieve this.
Communicate the benefits at times they are needed most
The EAP should also be promoted around events that take place during the year. Christmas, New Year, and the end of the summer are key times in the year services are needed the most.
Ensure a full understanding of the basics of the service through all of your regular communications:
- The service is available 24 hours a day – qualified counsellors and consultants answer the calls for instant support, day or night for work or personal issues.
- The service is free to use – the number is free to call from land lines (although charges may apply from some mobile phone networks) and the service is provided as a benefit so it’s completely without charge.
- The service is confidential and operated by an independent company – employees need to know that any information their employers receive will be statistical and they can remain anonymous if they wish.
- The components of the service – employees need to know that the service offers them practical information as well as counselling. Case studies are a great way to communicate the versatility of the service.
Helping Communication
EAP information cards inform employees about all the services available to them through their EAP. It includes clear instructions for accessing the programme and is provided at the launch of the service to cover every single employee.
EAP posters are designed to promote typical issues the EAP can offer support for and are best displayed in high-traffic areas throughout your company for optimum exposure. Popular areas include the staff canteen, rest rooms, toilets and hallways. It’s an excellent reminder to your employees that they have EAP services available 24/7.
Managers guide to promoting EAP
The Manager’s Guide to the EAP is a vital tool used to assist your managers in identifying and dealing with declining performance and other job-related issues.
Case studies are also a good way of bringing the service elements to life. Providing employees with practical examples of how the service can be used, the wide range of issues covered and how it has helped others can help to boost usage.